Depuis 2004, SUPER APES, label nantais artisanal et productif, propose d'éclectiques expériences auditives gravées sur différents supports plastiques (CD, vinyles, k7, disquettes...), également disponibles numériquement par le biais des technologies modernes via notre page Bandcamp.

Au programme : Jorge Bernstein & the pioupioufuckers, Arnaud Le Gouëfflec, Vania de Bie-Vernet, Kim Giani, Valse Noot, Cheever, I'd Prefer Not To, An Ocean Of Embers, Butcher & Szyslak, Serpent, Les Blousons, Chafouin, Donkey Saplot, Plaisir Coupable, Moli, Rapid Douglas, Peter Woodwind, Christian Rock Fièvre, The Odd Bods, Bachbullbyrd, Glossop, Poppy No Good, Kaleidoson, monsieur free, Cheaptracks, The Planet Of The Super Apes...

jeudi 13 mars 2014

J. Bernstein & the ppf / RynoTheBearded 

Joe Cool de Jorge Bernstein & the pioupioufuckers a été sélectionnée par RynoTheBearded pour sa dernière playlist.

"Another excellent #OO show. We came in like a wrecking ball and tore it up all night. Check out The Toothaches new KickStarter. I do believe Silver is correct the cover song we are going to ask for is I Feel Fantastic by Jonathon Coulton. Keeps it in the CC family. SaltyHash gets a producer credit once again for his gift of a water cooling unit for the PC. Awesome work by Amsterdammack to pull together shownotes and MartinJJ for his excellent album art. "

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